The Structure Sensor is a small, portable 3D scanning system which can be attached to your iPad. The accompanying app is free and can be downloaded quickly and simply from the App Store by searching for 3DsizeME.
Simply scan & send impressions directly using an iPad
The Structure Sensor is a small, portable 3D scanning system which can be attached to your iPad. The accompanying app is free and can be downloaded quickly and simply from the App Store by searching for 3DsizeME.
Train your colleagues to use the scanner while you manipulate your patient’s foot into the desired position. Make sure you hold the foot at the sulcus so that the scan still captures the metatarsal heads. To “mark the cast”, mark lesions or axis lines on your patient’s foot. You can then take a photo and send this along with your scan and prescription to our lab.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael O’Neill
Consultant Podiatrist
"Working in different locations always proved difficult when transporting casts or a main scanner. Often resulting in a five day time lapse between impression taking and start of manufacturing. The iPad scanner has solved this problem. Once emailed rush orders can be started within 3 hours and back with me in 48 hours. Non rush orders are always hitting our 2 week maximum turnaround times. Like any new technology practice is a key feature of accurate scans. However once mastered it will revolutionise your practice."